Advertise With Us This is an extra section, but at the same time important in our web page, because it is one of the sections that help us to keep standing and to be able to continue online, showing the best of video games to people. This is the advertising section, in which any company or brand related (preferably) or not to the content that we commonly publish, communicates with us to make a deal in which we take care of carrying out an advertising campaign of your brand or product on our website so that our readers from all over the world can know about it. Our people in the department of advertising and measurement of metrics are always attentive to any request that can be made for advertising. Our team is in charge of studying the scope of our page, to have an approximate number of the person who reads us, where they read us and their gender. This data helps us to establish an appropriate campaign, which would guarantee us success at the time of advertising the product or brand, by placing an appropriate campaign to reach the public that the company that requested the services wants. Generally, our team, which is made up of advertising professionals, makes a small interview with the company that requests the services, to know it better and to appreciate the product, with which we can make a more real campaign so that readers can feel the experience. We are open to any videogame company, which is responsible for distributing consoles, games, instruments that are used in the world of video games, game developers, gamers, youtubers and everything related to this world. Although our strength is the games, we also accept any other type of product or personal brand that wants our advertising. The vast majority of the services we offer are guaranteed, thanks to the previous study we conducted of the brand and the market, so we advise the client what to do so that the brand on our website or product fits perfectly. To know about costs and for more information, you can contact us through our contact lines available on this webpage. We mainly respond through our email, you can send us all your information, the service you want and we will respond as soon as possible.